
About the workshop

It is our pleasure to invite you to the 14th International Workshop on Service-Oriented, Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry of the Future (SOHOMA2024), organized by the Augsburg Technical University of Applied Sciences (Germany), in collaboration with University Politehnica of Bucharest (CIMR - Research Centre in Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Robotics), Polytechnic University Hauts-de-France (LAMIH - Laboratory of Industrial and Human Automation Control, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science) and Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (CeDRI - Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics). 


Augsburg city hall


The main objective of SOHOMA workshops is to foster innovation in and developments towards a data-driven Industry of the Future that seamlessly integrates engineering and operations of manufacturing, logistics systems and (dynamic) supply chains. In this context, the workshop focuses on concepts, methods, and solutions for the digital transformation of manufacturing through service orientation in holonic and agent-based control with distributed artificial intelligence. 

SOHOMA 2024 workshop will take place in Augsburg, Germany at the Augsburg Technical University of Applied Sciences on September 26 - 27, 2024.


Workshop Theme

The theme of the SOHOMA 2024 Workshop is "Industrial Artificial Intelligence in the data-driven Industry of the Future: Models, Architectures, and Applications". In this edition, the workshop focuses on exploring the intricacies of cross-enterprise data sharing and the strategic use of artificial intelligence (AI) within manufacturing systems. Thereby, the workshop focuses on (but is not limited to) methods, tools, and architectures for the value-adding application and integration of AI in industrial production and logistics for the transformation to a data-driven industry of the future.

This edition maintains the traditional focus on holonic manufacturing control, multi-agent systems and cloud services for the Industry of the Future. The workshop will draw on research developed in the following research axes:

  • IT and OT modeling techniques (digital twin, object orientation, agents, service-oriented architectures...) for automation systems
  • Holonic architectures and multi-agent frameworks for smart and sustainable industrial systems
  • Intelligent products, orders, and systems in industry
  • Collaborative intelligence, swarm technology and emergent behavior
  • Service orientation of control and management in the manufacturing value chain
  • Issues of agility, flexibility, security, safety, resilience and reconfigurability in industrial systems
  • Machine learning techniques for predicting behaviors, evolutions, anomalies and unexpected events in manufacturing processes and resources.
  • Cyber-Physical Production Systems and Industrial IoT implementations for Industry 4.0

Among the applications, SOHOMA2024 will address aspects of industrial systems management, such as:

  • Machine learning techniques to predict behaviors, evolutions, unexpected events and to detect anomalies in manufacturing processes and resources.
  • Cyber-Physical Production Systems and Industrial IoT for Industry 4.0.
  • Control and management of production, supply chain, logistics, transportation, after-sales services.
  • Industrial customer and after-sale services and maintenance operations.
  • Digital twins, simulation and Asset Administration Shell for engineering and operation of manufacturing systems and cross-enterprise data and information sharing

In this sense, SOHOMA2024 will provide a remarkable opportunity for graduate students, academics, and industry to discuss future research directions and the development of technological enablers for a data-driven Industry of the Future. Papers that present solutions based on these technologies for new applications in the manufacturing value chain at the confluence of information technology and automation are especially welcome. All papers must demonstrate alignment with the workshop theme.

Workshop Topics 

The papers presented at the SOHOMA2024 workshop may include and are not limited to the following topics: 

  • Modelling of discrete event dynamic industrial systems
  • Multi-Agent Systems and control with distributed intelligence in industry
  • Product intelligence: concepts, architectures, implementation, use cases
  • Holonic Manufacturing Execution Systems • Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
  • Dynamic and green infrastructure for sustainable manufacturing
  • Mixed production planning and scheduling
  • Virtual factory, networked supply chains and customer-oriented logistics
  • Manufacturing Integration Framework
  • Digital Twins with resource and product virtualization
  • Edge and Fog Computing for Industrial Internet of Things
  • Industrial Internet of Things / Physical Internet
  • Cloud Manufacturing and resource virtualization
  • Servitization and Product-Service Systems
  • Swarm intelligence in manufacturing
  • Multi-robot systems in manufacturing, control, and applications
  • Bio-inspired theories for smart manufacturing and evolutionary robotics
  • Big Data streaming and the contextual enterprise
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning in large scale manufacturing
  • Predictive resource health monitoring and maintenance
  • Cyber-Physical Production Systems and Industry 4.0
  • Manufacturing as a Service, product design for open manufacturing
  • Universal Manufacturing: models, cloud manufacturing, enterprise specifications
  • Digitalization of supply chains and Logistics 4.0
  • Reconfigurable manufacturing systems
  • Humans-Systems integration in Industry 4.0 environments
  • Ethics of autonomous intelligent systems

Publication of Workshop Papers

All papers accepted for presentation will be included in the SOHOMA2024 proceedings volume and published in the Springer featured book series Studies in Computational Intelligence. For more information about the book series, please address to the following website:




The proceedings of the all previous events, published as issues of the Springer book series "Studies in Computational Intelligence", have been included in Web of Science, Scopus, ISI Proceedings, and the DBLP Computer Science Bibliography (University of Trier, Germany).

SOHOMA Springer Book Series

Contact SOHOMA 2024 Conference Chairs

In case of any questions, please do not hestitate to contact us: sohoma2024@sciencesconf.org.


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