
Registration and Fees


You can register for the workshop after login with your account. If you not have an account, please register via the link on the upper right.


Registration Fees

The workshop registration fees are listed below. The registration fee for a full registration (students, academics/researchers and companies/industry) includes access to the workshop sessions, coffee breaks, lunch for both days, the gala dinner, and the Springer book volume. The registration fee for the accopanying person includes the access to the dinner gala. For any paper to be published, a single registration is needed. The on-site presentation may be made by any author or a designated representative. Only final accepted papers with incorporated reviewer comments and successful  registration and on-site presentation will be included in the proceedings.


Registration Fees 


 Before August 30, 2024        After August 31, 2024        
Students* (Masters, PhD)   200 €  300 €
Academics / Recherchers   350 €  450 €
Companies / Industries  400 €  500 €
Accompanying person     75 €  75 €

  * Students must provide a valid university ID 


Extra cost

Over-length page fee: US$ 50  per page in excess of the 12-page allowance



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